Live your Faith at St John

Grow · Connect · Serve · Give

Grow with SJBC

Sunday Worship Services 8:00 AM | 10:15 AM

Sunday School Classes 9:10 AM – 10:10 AM

Monday Virtual Bible Study 7:00 PM

Monthly Fasting and Prayer


Connect at SJBC

Pray together

Attend a fellowship gathering

Join a ministry group Share your testimony, interests, and faith journey with others

Invite someone to worship with you


Serve at SJBC

Use your skills and talents in a ministry

Volunteer for special events

Participate in our outreach opportunities


Give at SJBC

Contribute financial gifts through tithes and offerings

Donate your time and talents

Participate in events to support charitable efforts

Share resources with fellow church members


Our Core Values

Believing in God’s Word and Spirit


We are an African-American Church, and our worship services reflect our heritage. While we celebrate the African-American experience, we embrace and welcome all cultures. The values listed below speak to our beliefs and commitment to all people without regard to race, ethnicity, gender, or creed.


We are passionately committed to the message that God has acted on our behalf in Jesus and that through Him, we can experience a life-transforming relationship with God. The Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible undergird and shape our ministry.


We are passionately committed to loving, affirming, and upholding the God-given worth of each individual. We are committed to treating all people with dignity and respect. We endeavor to identify as deeply as possible with people’s needs.


We are passionately committed to sharing Christ in relevant and engaging ways with those not yet connected to Christ or the Church. Because lost people matter to God, we will strive to reach unsaved and unchurched people with the Gospel.


We are passionately committed to doing and risking whatever it takes within the context of the Gospel to build a church that reaches people for Christ and helps them grow in their relationship with God and others.


We are passionately committed to training, equipping, and empowering transformed people of all faith levels to experience and enjoy a Christ-centered life.


We are passionately committed to honesty, openness, fairness, and grace in dealing with those in our church: the unchurched, unsaved, and members.


We are passionately committed to encasing all we are and do in prayer, seeking God’s guidance in every aspect of our ministry.


We value authentic genuine relationships that result in a loving community of mutually supportive people. We appreciate the diversity that exists among us in age, gender, personality, and perspective. We believe life transformation and loving relationships occur best through small groups. We believe small groups best facilitate life transformation and loving relationships.


We believe making disciples is our mandate from Christ. Therefore, we seek to become disciples that make disciples for Christ.


We are called to keep serving the present time and we believe relevance is significant to reaching people. SJBC builds on its past without becoming its slave. We seek to be relevant to the culture in which we live, while not surrendering our core values, beliefs, and behaviors to tradition or culture.


We are passionately committed to assuring that measures are in place so that all SJBC programs operate effectively and efficiently throughout the church and in the community.