SJBC Prays
Passionately Committed To Encasing All We Are And Do In Prayer
Charles Burroughs
Kermey Cameron
Ruth Craigen
Gayla Elder-Leak
Helen Fitzpatrick
Katrina Fowlkes
Etha Fulton
Lee Harris
Kendall Hayman
Ethel Hill
Jackie Hilson
Regina Jordan (uncle)
Eloise Linton
Barbara Love
Roberta Manns
Glenda Marquis
Harvey Moran
Mason Newman
Ira & Gertie Snell
Brian Wallace
Karen Williams
Monique Williams
Diane Bishop
Wendy Brashears (son Dyrelle)
Helen O’Guinn (son Patrick)
Leonardo McClarty
Clayton McKindra
Kim Boyd-Jackson mourns the loss of her father, Don Boyd
Donovan Cooper mourns the loss of his grandfather, Ronald Whitfield
Darrah Hall mourns the loss of her aunt, Helen Tandy
Sylvia Pines mourns the loss of her mother, Mattie Haynie
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